Military Spouse Thank You
|Saying Thank You to the Military Spouse

When the topic of military divorce comes up, due to the controversial issues of the USFSPA, discussions often seem unappreciative of the role the military spouse.
However, these individual opinions do not necessarily represent the majority. There are many in our country that empathize, sympathize, and admire the role of the military spouse and show acts of appreciation toward military families.

In 2012, not only was military spouse, Ada Xochitl Edwards, thanked for her family’s contribution to our country, but she had the grace to try and find a way to say, “Your Welcome.”
On February 29, 2012, in an “extraordinary act of generosity,” someone anonymously paid the $1,197.03 bill for replacing Ada Xochitl Edwards’ four tires on her Lexus car. Unable to reach the anonymous donor, she wrote publicly to The Commercial Appeal in Memphis, TN about this extraordinary act of generosity.
While Edwards often hears the words, “Thank you for your husband’s service,” or, “I don’t understand how you [re: the military spouse] do it,” she was “deeply touched and humbled by this overwhelming act of kindness.
In tough times, we need to remember there are people out there who recognize the efforts of military families and want to say, “Thank You.”
Update: This generosity was given to a military spouse whose husband was away serving in Afghanistan.
God Bless the Military Wife
~ It can never hurt to say, “Thank you” to a military spouse.
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My husband is retired from the Army after 23 years of enlisted service! He is my hero.
I would like to say THANK YOU to the person who chose to help out a military spouse in need. I realize that maybe this person could have looked for a more deserving person but we all need help at one point in time. This generous person was here at this time for this spouse.
As a military spouse I have worked many long hours to help other military family with the long deployments when the men were away ….. This helped me also to help someone in need and really it doesn’t matter if there HUSBANDS were enlisted or an officer.
THANK YOU kind sir or ma’am for helping this military spouse during a difficult time when her husband was deployed! It is wonderful to see that there are still kind people in this wonderful country that our husbands work so hard to defend!
And how about Mrs. Ada Xochitl Edwards paying it forward since she drives a Lexus and can well afford new tires. She should find someone who really needs help and then go help them in the same amount she was helped. Shame on her if she doesn’t do this.
I believe what really needs to be pointed out here is not the military spouse driving the Lexus but the idiot who choose to replace the tires on a military spouse’s Lexus instead of finding another military spouse driving around in some beat up old car who could really have used that help. That’s what is sad to me. All the idiot had to do was to go to the base commissary on the 1st or the 15th to see who really needed the help.
Appreciation should not be based on salary, rank, or spending habits.
You are right, it should be based on need and the military spouse driving the Lexus could well afford new tires for her car. Just think what that would have meant to an enlisted military member’s spouse who is trying to make ends meet on the meager little amount they are paid.
I say the good samaritan should have found someone who really needed the help. I guess they just couldn’t stand to see a Lexus with bad tires. Can’t have that happen now can we!
I am a Navy wife who’s husband is weeks away from coming home from an 8 month extended deployment! I myself am a Navy veteran (OEF/OIF), so I am fortunate to know first hand what I was getting myself into when I decided to marry my best friend and love of my life. While it feels really, really good to know there are folks out there grateful for the FAITHFUL military spouse’s role as well as the service members who do the real work, and appreciate the stranger’s extension of gratitude, I also could not help but notice the inclusion of the fact that this woman drives a Lexus?! How in the world can she afford a Lexus? Perhaps she has a well paying job of her own? But if her spouse is in a rank that can support the maintenance and gas and monthly payments of her Lexus, then he would be an officer who could also afford something as simple as tire replacements. But this makes it look like she is simply and greedily living outside of the means her husband is working so hard to provide. Wives like her give wives like me a bad name. I drive a compact. I budget my bills and groceries and accessory spending EVERY month. And this is with the blessing of my husbands E-5 Pay. You do the math. And please do remember there are still many wives out there in our modest homes and affordable, fuel economy vehicles doing their best to support our husbands and counting down the days until they are home in our arms again! Not driving Lexuses or Land Rovers, lol…
I see the gesture as a gift of appreciation rather than a need-based gift. I should be able to buy lunch for a General despite the fact that he can ‘afford’ it. Appreciation is not based on salary, rank or spending habits. (I’m also not sure why you hold the spouse alone accountable for the Lexus purchase, or for that matter, why a military family can’t make an expensive purchase.) Can’t we just give a ‘Shout out’ to someone recognizing a military family and to a spouse for finding a way to say thank you?
I’m not saying the extension of gratitude shouldn’t be appreciated. But honestly, rank has everything to do with whether or a not a military family could and should make expensive purchases. An e-4 can NOT afford a Lexus and a family and a home and everything that comes along with those. An E-6 could, if they budgeted accordingly. SO, rank does have everything to do with it, because higher rank equals higher pay. Military paychecks aren’t exactly huge, anyway, no matter what the rank. You’re right that any family’s spending habits are their business, but I still disagree with living outside of one’s means! If everyone’s judgement on this thread is an honest misunderstanding of the difference between whether the wife needed the help or it was simply and only a touching gesture of a stranger’s appreciation and recognition of her role in the military family, that should have been cleared up from the very beginning. And if that is the case, then it is an honestly wonderful story 🙂
This small story has become like a poem ~ we’ll never know all the facts behind it, yet it has obviously stirred each reader’s emotions in different ways.
I have a link above to click through to read the full story. This is not about a former military spouse, but instead a spouse whose husband was deployed to Afghanistan. I’ve updated/edited the piece to add that fact. The point was to share something nice that happened, a positive story.
Must be nice to afford a Lexus off your former husband’s MRP.
What an insult to those of us who must suffer because the former spouse has taken all the MRP from your husband who earned and deserves it!
My husband earned that pay ,not his former spouse. Her greed and entitlement has my husband an indentured servant to her for life.She had the affair,not him!
I hope you and your husband are member’s of the ULSG – the only active group working to repeal the USFSPA. Join us in this fight!
How many veterans are indentured to a often remarried former spouse for “life ” because of the USFSPA have been forced to filed bankruptcy which leads to loss of security clearances resulting in job loss while a former spouse drives a “Lexus” or maintains a higher lifestyle than the veteran ?
She can afford a Lexus but not tires for it??? Please, give me a break.
Almost $1200 for tires on her “Lexus”. Gee I wonder how much she would need of her husbands Military Retainer Pay to maintain her “Lexus”
Remember,MRP was never intended or designed to compensate a third party. MRP has unigue requirements and attachments not encumbered to the former spouse…only the veteran must remain obligated to the Govt to recieve this entitlement. Kind of a double standard don’t you think….
Former spouses have more protections in a civil court than the veteran.Former spouses have spouse preference for federal job placement over their civilian counterparts…all this while PCSing worlwide. Military Family Act 1985