Former Military Spouse on Twitter
When you follow us on twitter, you’ll receive up-to-date information on military divorce, the USFSPA, and former military spouse issues.
Twitter is in the moment. In many ways, Twitter is faster communication than Facebook, so it works well to quickly send information into the community.
Facebook posts last a little longer than Twitter. They are less likely to be buried in a feed.
Currently, our articles are set to automatically post to Twitter, so if you want immediate notification of divorce or USFSPA issues, you should be following us on Twitter.

How is Twitter different from Facebook?
Twitter is a miniblog focused on “in the minute” news, so by following us there, you’ll receive quick short updates on immediate issues related to divorce, the USFSPA, military spouses, entrepreneurs, tips for divorced parents – everything we talk about – but in brief. Then you can click through to read full articles that interest you.
Twitter also has the Retweet and Reply features. When Former Military Spouse follows you, we can Retweet YOUR twitter posts to our audience. In addition, the Reply feature of twitter allows us to have short conversations with you.
Twitter also uses the “#” symbol to track discussions. For example, if we tweet a post with #militarydivorce in it, you can search twitter and join in our conversation.
The bottom line is: Twitter is NOW, so connect with us through social media networking and Follow us on Twitter
Twitter is not a Blog Substitute
You only receive very, very short excerpts on Twitter. If you do not visit the blog, you will miss out on the comments and links that readers post, as well as any updates we’ve made to articles. (We do go back and update previous posts.)
To be 100% sure you receive EVERY blog post, you need to Subscribe to the Former Military Spouse Blog.
Using Hash Tags for Government and Military Posts
Here’s a video tip on using #hashtags on Twitter and other social media sites: